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Inquiry: Investigate

Once you have your essential question, the next step is to do some research. If you are thinking that you will just type the question into Google and use whatever pops up...

While you might get some great sources of information, you also might be given less credible sites with questionable content. You must evaluate your sources.

Use the CRAAP test.

C = Currency: When was it written? You'll want to find recent sources.

R = Relevance: Is the source really connected to your research? An article might address technology, but not how it changes our view of self and others.

A = Authority: Who is the author? Does he/she have the credentials to speak knowledgeably about the subject? And what about the web source? Look at the URL. A .com or .ca site is more likely to simply want to sell you something. A .gov or .edu will likely present more in-depth and balanced information. A .org may contain detailed information, but it may have an agenda and may be biased.

A = Accuracy: Is the information correct? Can you find another source that verifies the information? Is there lots of evidence to support claims? Is the information balanced, or is it biased: sharing only one side of the argument.

P = Purpose: Why was the piece of writing published? Was it written to inform or persuade? If the source attempts to promote a specific agenda, it might not be your best choice.

Take a moment to watch this

on China's Social Credit system:

Let's see how well it meets the CRAAP test.

Currency: It was published on March 12th, 2019. That's good.

Relevance: It definitely deals with our question as it shows how technology could change our behaviour and, therefore, how we see ourselves.

Authority: Liu Chen lives in Beijing and is part of the social credit system (SCS), so she should know something about it. However, she is a reporter for the CGTN, which is owned by the Chinese government who plan to implement the system nationwide in 2020, so there may be some bias.

Accuracy: Because of potential bias, I should look for some other sources of information about the SCS to see what claims I can verify.

Purpose: As this vlog is clearly meant to persuade, I would not use it without looking at other sources.

For the next assignment, it is important that you have not only watched the vlog, but have also read the article below, and watched the video.

And watch this


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